Ruby First Note Chapter
My first note chapter on Ruby
Inspired from RubyMonk. I've loved the website since then and I thought it could be a good idea to share my notes publicly. Enjoy!
It is a work in progress
1.0 Strings Basics
Strings are objects in Ruby. Unlike Python, they're mutable (like PHP).
1.1 Double Quotes and Single Quotes
You can have it ''
or ""
'This is a string'
"This is also a string"
The difference between ""
and ''
is that ""
can interpret escape characters (like \n
) while ''
do not.
1.2 Determine the Length
To determine the length of a string, we use the length
irb(main):001:0> sentence = "this is a sentence"
=> "this is a sentence"
irb(main):002:0> sentence.length
=> 18
Note that the parentheses ()
is optional when you call a method.
1.3 String Interpolation
Like Python using f-string, Ruby also has string interpolation. We use #{}
as a placeholder for our variables to represent something.
def say_name(name)
puts "Your name is #{name}"
#If name is John, the function will print:
#"Your name is John"
1.4 Sub-string functions
There are:
To determine if the specified sub-string is included in a string, we use the include?
method. The ?
is to show that include
returns a boolean value.
#Note how the strings are case-sensitive
irb(main):001:0> "Apples, oranges, pears".include? "apples"
=> false
irb(main):002:0> "Apples, oranges, pears".include? "oranges"
=> true
#These are also case-sensitive
# Prints: True
puts "Ruby is a beautiful language".start_with?("Ruby")
# Prints: True
puts "I can't work with any other language but Ruby".end_with? "Ruby"
1.5 Finding the index of a Character
We use the index
method determine the index of a character in the string. It returns us the index wth 0 being inclusive.
puts "I am a Rubyist".index("R")
#Prints: 7
1.6 Manipulating Strings
There are different ways to manipulate a string in Ruby:
If we wish to capitlize every letter in our string, we use the upcase
function. Otherwise, we use the downcase
function to lowercase every letter. There's also the swapping letters option with swapcase
puts 'This is LOWERCASE'.downcase
# Prints: this is lowercase
puts 'oh my god'.upcase
# Prints: 'OH MY GOD'
puts "ThiS iS A vErY ComPlEx SenTeNcE".swapcase
#Prints: tHIs Is a VeRy cOMpLeX sENtEnCe
1.7 Difference Between puts
, p
, and print
prints out the object's "raw" value. It is useful for debugging purposes especially when you want to see escape characters in the console.puts
will treat the argument as a string (also adds a newline character). If the passing argument is a array, it will display its elements one-per-line by calling theeach
method as each element gets converted with theto_s
also treats the argument as a string (likeputs
, with the newline). But when the passing argument is an array, it will NOT display its elements one-per-line.
1.1 Strings Advanced
The split
function splits words (where the delimeter is a white-space character by default) and forms them into an array.
1.1.0 The split
typeVar = "Hello, are you here?".split
puts typeVar << "\n" #mutating the string (not appending like in +)
puts typeVar.class
1.1.1 Concatenating
The +
operator does not modify the original string. Instead, it creates a new string 'JohnField'. Take note if you're dealing with large scale string manipulations.
Just like <<
, the concat
method does not involve creating a new string.
is an alias of concat
puts 'John' + 'Field' #This is slow concatenation
puts "Elvis".concat("Presley")
1.1.2 Replacing a substring
There are different methods to replace a substring. The methods are:
: Replaces the first occurrence of the specified substring (1st arg) to a new one (2nd arg)gsub
: (Think of "global substitution") Replaces all occurrences of the specified substring
They both return a modified string.
We use the sub
method to replace a the first occurrence of a specified substring (first arg) to a new one (second argument).
last_name = "Sparrow"
puts "I am Jack Sparrow.".sub("Sparrow", "Black")
puts "Society & liberty".gsub("y", "é")
You can also use a regex (regular expression) to replace substrings.
#Here we're replaceing every capital to 0
puts 'RubyMonk Is Pretty Brilliant'.gsub(/[RMIPB]/,'0')
1.1.3 Finding a substring using RegEx
With the match
method, we can find a substring based on our passing regEx argument. We use regEx if we can't find the exact substring (kinda like querying a database)
'RubyMonk Is Pretty Brilliant'.match(/ ./, 9)
1.2 Boolean and Logical Expressions
1.2.0 Boolean and Logical Operators
Boolean expressions in Ruby are just like in other programming languages. ==
, !=
, <=
, >=
, >
, <
, ||
, &&
, (
, and )
1.2.1 The if-else construct
Since Python relies on identation, you need a :
to make scopes viable. In Ruby, you don't need :
as it follows a Pascal-like scoping tradition.
def check_age(age)
if age < 12
puts "You're preteen. You are #{age}"
elsif age < 19
puts "You're a teenager. You are #{age}"
name = gets.chomp #chomp is to ignore the newline character
Ruby also has an unless
keyword to check for a negative condition. It is synonymous to if !x
age = 18
unless age >= 16
puts "You cannot drive as your are under 16 years old"
puts "You can drive! Get ready drivin'!"
1.2.2 Ternary operator
Just like any other programming languages, the ternary follows the same syntax.
expression ? expression is true : expression is false
10 == 0 ? true : false
1.2.3 Different ways to express true
and false
Unlike C where 1
means true and 0
means false, Ruby treats both as true.
The only objects that are false are false
and nil
See how 0 is treated as true in Ruby:
if 0
puts "0 is true in Ruby"
1.3 Loops Introduction
1.3.0 Infinite loops
It is self-explanatory. It is pretty different. This is what it never-ending loop looks like in Ruby.
loop do
puts "this line will be executed infinitely"
It also has the break
keyword .
#The following will not compile as the me object does not exist
#It's only here to demonstrate a point
loop do
if me.tired?
The for loop in Ruby can also syntactically different. It is structured very much like in Japanese. If you wish to say "I drink twice" in Japanese, you would say "twice I drink".
In Ruby, it is "N
times I statement
5.times do
"I'm jumping"
#If you want to specify the number of times, we add ||
5.times do |i|
"I'm jumping #{i} times"
def ring(n)
i = 0
n.times do
p "ringing #{n} time(s)"
i += 1
if i >= 6 # use >= instead of <
times = 0
But of course, you couldn't go wrong without typing for
as long as there's something iterable to loop for (same as in Python).
array = [1,2,3,4]
for i in array
puts "At index #{i}"
We can also do a for each loop. The following is the same as above but it is just done differently.
array = [1,2,3,4]
array.each do |i|
puts "At index #{i}"
1.4 Arrays
1.4.0 Indices
Arrays (like Python) are represented with square brackets ([]
is an alias of []
Arrays in Ruby can be a combination of different types (strings, integers, floats ,etc) (just like Python but not like C).
In any C-based languages, we look up the value of an array as a variable by their index like arr[i]
. In Ruby, we can take the array and type two more enclosed square brackets with an index inside like this:
#This will print 3
puts [1,2,3,4][2]
Pretty interesting huh?
Just like in Python, we can also start backwards from right to left. We use a negative number as an index to look for our value in the other direction. This is called "reverse index lookup".
puts [1,2,3,4][-0]
puts [1,2,3,4][-1]
1.4.1 Growing the Array
Unlike C, the size of the array is not fixed, We use <<
to append any datatype to our array. We can only use the insetion operator <<
when we want to add a single element in the array.
puts [3,1,4,1,5] << "Pi is irrational dude"
We can use the push
method to add more than one elements in the array
puts [8,2,5].push("Some random string", 0, 'Yeah')
1.4.2 Changing the Array
There are different way to change the contents of the array, one that is based on a condition and one without.
We use Array#map
and/or Array#collect
(they're the same) to iterate through every element and commit the action specified in {}
Just as much as there is a ternary operator for an if else block, there is a map
method for arrays as a shorthand for a for loop
puts "With map"
puts [1,2,3,4].map {|i| i + 1 }
puts "With collect"
puts [2,4,6,8].collect{|i| i/2}
Meahwhile the Array#select
needs a condition (boolean expression), not a statement.
is kind of like a shorthand for a while loop while Array#map
is like a shorthand for a for loop.
names = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors', 'lizard', 'spock']
puts { |name| name.length > 5}
1.4.3 Deleting the elements
We use Array#delete
to delete every occurrence of a given argument.
arr = [1,3,4,6,1]
p arr
puts "Deleting all elements with value 1"
deleted_number = arr.delete 1
puts "Deleted: #{deleted_number}"
p arr
If we wish to make a condition before deletion, we use Array#delete_if
p [1,5,10,2,6,5].delete_if{ |i| i % 5 != 0 }
1.5 Hashes
1.5.0 Syntax and Fetching Values
More Info:
There are two ways to create a hash. One is by using a hash rocket =>
and the other is by using a JSON-style colon :
With a traditional syntax, you can explicitly state the key as a symbol with the colon :
before it or using double quotes ""
instead. A symbol in Ruby is kind of like a const string and a reference in one. Instead of having multiple strings in a hash, using symbols would be more optimal.
#This is invalid syntax. In a traditional syntax, the datatype for the
#key must be specified as a symbol with : or a string "".
my_friend = {
name => "John",
age => 19
#This is valid (recommended)
my_friend = {
:name => "John",
:age => 19
#This is also valid
my_friend2 = {
"name" => "Alex",
"age" => 20
puts("Printing my_friend and my_friend2...")
student_ages = {
"Jack": 30,
"Jill": 22,
"Bob": 18
#Accessing the property of a hash is different in ruby
#In Ruby we use [] just like an array
puts("Printing student_ages...")
#This will return nil. It needs to be a symbol regardless of the syntax
Fetching a value is indexing an array in Ruby. We use square brackets []
to retrieve a value from our hash exemplified above.
1.5.1 Modifying a Hash
It is no different from changing an element of an array by its index.
menu = {
"Rice" => 10.5,
"Chicken" => 25.99,
"Tea" => 5.5,
"Bread" => 1.5,
"Pepsi" => 2.5
puts("menu before")
menu["Pepsi"] = 3.5
1.5.2 Iterating over a Hash
If you wish to iterate over both the keys and their values, the each
method can do the trick as it returns both the keys and their values.
restaurant_menu = {
"Ramen" => 3,
"Dal Makhani" => 4,
"Coffee" => 2
#One application is to increase the values of the hash
restaurant_menu.each do | item, price |
get_price = restaurant_menu[item]
new_price = get_price * 0.1 + get_price
restaurant_menu[item] = new_price
restaurant_menu.each do | item, price |
puts "#{item}: $#{price}"
If we want to extract only the keys, use call the keys
method. For values, we call values
person = {
:name => "John",
:age => 19
#printing values and keys
1.5.3 Another way to create a Hash
You can use a hash by calling Hash[]
#An initialized hash object
fruits = Hash[:apple, 2, :orange, 3]
#An empty hash
empty_hash =
p fruits
p empty_hash
1.6 Class
1.6.0 How are they built?
You cannot have an object-oriented programming language without classes. In Ruby, classes can be built as such:
class Triangle
#def initialize(length, breadth)
# @length = length
# @breadth = breadth
def perimeter
@length + @width + @hypotenuse
Variables with @
become the instance variable of the class. This is what can help distinguish objects with the same datatype.
Calling a method without instance variables initialized will fail the code.
We need a constructor which is represented like a method called initializer
class Triangle
def initializer(length, width, hypotenuse)
@length = length
@width = width
@hypotenuse = hypotenuse
def perimeter
length + width
triangle = Triangle.initializer(2,1,4)
peri = triangle.perimeter
p peri
Note that the perimeter method has no return
. This is because (like Python), if no return is specified, the last line will automatically be treated as a return value.
1.6.1 Grouping Objects
We can look the class of any object by calling the class
p 1.class
p "".class
p [].class
Then there is the method is_a?
made to be conditional like so:
#Is 1 an Integer type?
p 1.is_a?(Integer)
#Is 1 a String type?
p 1.is_a?(String)
Classes are deemed as inferior to objects. But in Ruby, they are just synonyms to objects. Calling the class method repeatedly demonstrates this.
p 1.class.class.class.class
1.6.2 Everything has a class. Including nil (NilClass).
def do_nothing
puts do_nothing.class
This prints out NilClass because there must always be an object one way or another. NilClass is an object representing the absence of an object.
1.7 Methods
1.7.0 The Basics
At a basic level, methods in Ruby are just like in Python. You can call methods inside another methods as usual.
def add(x,y)
return x+y
def minus(x,y)
return x-y
#Just like in Python. We can pass in default value to a parameter
def divide(x,y=1)
return y != 0 ? x/y : nil
def multiply(x,y)
product = 0
temp = 0
y.times do
puts "#{temp}, #{product}"
product = add(product,x)
temp += 1
return product
p multiply(x,y)
1.7.1 Objectifying Methods
As the subtitle suggests, in Ruby, the method
method can hold the reference of the method specified. That way, we can create an object that can do one particular task only.
#prints the reference to the method next
p 1.method("next")
oneUpper = 9.method("next")
#prints Method
p oneUpper.class
#prints 10
1.7.2 The splat operator *
and the inject()
Parameters in Ruby can be interpreted as a list. We use a unary splat operator *
that can enable any number of parameters.
But how will we iterate such a list?
By using the inject()
method, we can iterate a list of passed arguments. It's just another workaround for each()
Notice how the value 0
of the sum
variable for the each
section is the same as that to the argument of inject (.inject(0)
Also note the sum
variable in the two blocks. In the inject method, the sum is inside the block parameter (||
) while the each
method has the sum
outside of the block parameter. **0** and **sum** are here to illustrate this.
#With each
sum = **0**
(1..10).each{ |i| **sum** = sum + i }
#With inject
p(1..10).inject(**0**){ |**sum**, i| sum + i }
i = 1
numbers_array = []
#It takes a list of numbers and adds them up one by one
def add(*numbers)
numbers.inject(0){|sum, number| sum + number}
#We can either do this
#puts add(1)
#puts add(1,2,3)
#puts add(1,2,3,4)
#Or make it more convenient
5.times do
numbers_array = numbers_array.push i
p numbers_array
#* is to mean, "this array will be iterated"
p add(*numbers_array)
i =
puts ""
1.7.3 Passing a hash to a function (as a parameter)
In Ruby, passing a hash to a function needs to be explicit in the function signature. We use the curly {}
braces to make the parameter's type identifiable.
#We're passing options (this is what the method sees)...
options = {
:reciprocal = true,
:precision = 2,
:round = true
#to this method
def divide(num1, num2, options = {})
quotient = num1 / num2
quotient = 1/quotient if options[:reciprocal]
quotient = quotient.round(options[:precision]) if options[:round]
return quotient
puts divide(1.0, 2.0)
puts divide(2.0, 4.0, reciprocal: true)
puts divide(22.0, 7.0, precision: 2, round: true)
1.8 Lambda, Procs, and Blocks
Now this is the confusing part, so hear me out.
If there's a part that you don't understand. It's not the end of the world. You can skip some parts and call it a day. But I highly advise to play around with the code regardless.
1.8.0 Blocks
Blocks in Ruby are anonymous functions without a name. They can be passed into methods and are usually temporary. They are represented with do..each
for multi-line blocks and {}
for single-line blocks.
The syntax for blocks is as follows:
object.method{ *block* }
object.method do
def method
method { *block* }
Blocks can also accept an argument(s)
#single-line {}
[1,2,3].each { |num| puts num }
#multi-line do..each
['a','b','c'].each do |num|
puts num
#Where num1 is the number from the first array
#num2 is the number from the second array
[[2,4],[1,3]].each { | num1, num2 | puts num1, num2 }
One interesting thing about blocks is the yield
keyword. yield
enables blocks in Ruby methods.
def some_method
some_method { puts "That's me" }
Here is a way to pass an argument to a block inside a method.
def n_squared
puts yield(2)
n_squared { |n| n*n }
Implicit vs Explicit blocks
Blocks can be implicit or explicit.
Explicit blocks have a name while implicit blocks don't (we only use yield
However, note that when you make a block explicit, they become a proc.
we use the &
operator to treat the block as if it was actually a proc. There can be any name beside &
def print_hello(&block)
print_hello { puts "hello" }
def print_hi(&b)
print_hi { puts "hi" }
1.8.1 So, what are Procs?
Procs are closely related to blocks. They are a more versatile and explicit version of blocks that also encapsulate blocks of code. Unlike (implicit) blocks, they can be stored in variables and they always have a name. They provide the ability to be invoked independently.
#Creating proc with the Proc class constructor
process = { puts "From process" }
#Creating proc with Kernel#proc method (shorthand of
another_process = proc { puts "From another_process" }
#Explicit blocks are procs
def method_to_call_proc(&process)
puts process.is_a?(Proc)
method_to_call_proc { puts "From method_to_call_proc: This is proc"}
They have a return statement that exits their surrounding method.
For example:
def foo
process_print = proc { puts "puts: ok bar"}
process_return = proc { return "return: happy bar" }
return "sad bar" #never reaches sad bar
puts foo()
Notice how the proc treats return differently. Unlike methods/lambdas, return
returns from foo
instead of its own block. That's how return: happy bar
is printed to the console
Procs are also less strict on the types and the number of arguments passed.
point = proc { |x, y| "x=#{x}, y=#{y}" }
#passing two int args
#x=1, y=2
#passing three int args
#x=1, y=2
#passing one int arg
#y is nil
#x=1, y=
puts "Passing an array:"
#The array disintegrates into two ints
#x=1, y=2
#x=1, y=2
Procs come in two flavours. There are lambda procs and there are non-lambda procs.
#Proving that lambdas are procs
isProcLambda = lambda { puts "Am I lambda?" }
puts isProcLambda.is_a?(Proc) #true
We've touched on non-lambda procs. Let's move on to lambdas.
1.8.2 Lambda
Lambdas (like other programming languages) are also methods without a name and is one flavour of proc. Lambdas have their own scope, and the value of the last expression serves as the return value for the lambda itself. Like procs, we can use double pipes ||
syntax to pass arguments to a lambda.
fruitSays = lambda{"Don't eat me"}
sayName = lambda do
return "John Smith"
#The passing parameter is "fruit"
fruitsPicked = lambda do |fruit|
if fruit == "apple"
return "apple"
return "orange"
#calling single-line lambda
puts "The fruit said: \""'"'
#calling multi-line without arg and multi-line with arg
puts + " picked an " +"fruit")
square = lambda { |x| x+(x * 0.13) }
puts "John paid $"
Unlike regular procs, lambdas have their own scope. They behave just like methods. They are like "mini-methods" in Ruby.
def foo
process = lambda{ return "happy bar" }
return "very happy bar" #reaches "very happy bar" since it's a lambda
puts foo() #Prints "very happy bar"
#Doesn't print "happy bar" because it only returns from lambda
#(just like regular methods)
Here is some code to play around with. It is tough to hang to it at first but I advise to get your hands dirty on this.
What you'll notice is that the method ends until all its blocks are executed.
def print_once
puts "From print_once"
print_once {puts "From print_once"}
From print_once
From print_once#
def print_thrice
puts "From print_once thrice"
print_thrice { puts "From print_thrice once"}
print_thrice { puts "From print_thrice twice"} #yield can "see" this
From print_thrice once
From print_once thrice
From print_thrice twice
From print_once thrice
def print_thrice
print_thrice { puts "From print_thrice once"}
print_thrice { puts "From print_thrice twice"}
print_thrice { puts "From print_thrice thrice"}
From print_thrice once
From print_thrice once
From print_thrice once
From print_thrice twice
From print_thrice twice
From print_thrice twice
From print_thrice thrice
From print_thrice thrice
From print_thrice thrice
def one_two_three
yield 1
#yield 2
#yield 3
one_two_three { |number| puts number * 10 }
Here, you can better see how blocks become an object inside an object. At least the following demonstrates that:
class MyObject
def call
puts "This is an instance of MyObject"
#block = proc { puts "This is a proc object" }
another_block = { puts "This is another proc object" }
block ={ puts "This is a proc object"}
myobj =
#the method foo, has to accept an argument
def foo(obj)
puts "Entering foo."
puts "Leaving foo."
#Executing here...
# call foo with our "block" object (notice how we're passing an argument)
# call foo again but with a different proc object
foo(proc { puts "This is our second proc!" })
# call foo but using our instance of MyObject
Entering foo.
This is a proc object
Leaving foo.
Entering foo.
This is our second proc!
Leaving foo.
Entering foo.
This is an instance of MyObject
Leaving foo.
Blocks in ruby are either implicit or explicit (proc)
Procs are either lambda or non-lambda.
- implicit blocks are not procs
- explicit blocks are procs
- implicit blocks are objects
- explicit blocks are objects
def is_block_proc_implicit
puts "Are blocks procs (implicit): "
puts yield.is_a?(Proc) #returns false
is_block_proc_implicit { }
puts "-------------------------------"
def is_block_proc_explicit(&block)
puts "Are blocks procs (explicit) "
puts block.is_a?(Proc) #returns true
is_block_proc_explicit { }
puts "-------------------------------"
def is_block_object_implicit
puts "Are blocks objects (implicit) "
puts yield.is_a?(Object) #returns true
puts is_block_object_implicit { }
puts "-------------------------------"
def is_block_object_explicit(&block)
puts "Are blocks objects (explicit) "
puts #returns true
puts is_block_object_explicit { }
- Lambda is a proc
- Lambda is an object
def is_lambda()
is_lambda = lambda {}
puts is_lambda.is_a?(Proc)
puts is_lambda.is_a?(Object)
puts is_lambda()